
The Shell


June 15, 2023

Hi everyone, i am sharing some useful information of the Bash Terminal with important beginner friendly commands.

What is the shell?
Character User Interface: The Shell, is available on nearly all platforms, nearly all are roughly the same: they allow you to run programs, give them input, and inspect their output in a semi-structured way.

Here we focus on Bash Shell
Some useful commands -

side:~$ date
Wed 09 Sep 2020 with the current time will be displayed

side:~$ echo hello

side:~$ echo $PATH
$PATH  is an environment variable that lists which directories the shell 
should search for programs when it is given a command

side:~$ which echo
Finds out which file is executed for a given program

side:~$ pwd
Gives the present working directory

side:~$ cd /home
Change directory to home
a path that starts with / is an absolute path.
Any other path is a relative path.

side:~$ cd ..
Changes 🔙 to the previous directory

side:~$ ls
Gives what is present inside the directory

side:~$ ls -l
This one gives us more information about each file or directory present

Most important to remember

side:~$ man ls
man command gives you the manual pages for a certain program in this case the ls command.